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Making the complex less so

About m  ideas


The essence of a successful business is why it does what it does, and how that brings benefit to a community and the world. The rest is just about how you accomplish that. And that’s where we come in.


m2 ideas succeeds by working with individuals and organisations to better understand the environment they operate in, and how they can apply simple strategies to fully realise their business’ potential.


We’ve been doing this for 10 years with a number of clients across a range of industries. All of them say the same thing: m2 ideas make the complex less so, and show a pathway forward they couldn’t have seen on their own.

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1. Assess Situation

It’s only through a thorough review of the present state of play that the real opportunities, or any gaps, can be found

2. Agree Objectives

What you want to achieve comes next. This sets expectations and a clear understanding of what success looks like.

3. Develop Strategy

This is the road map that will drive success. Involves considering the options and deciding the best fit for the situation at hand.

4. Build Action Plan

This is the detail of how you get from the present to your desired future, presented in a format that is easy to understand and follow.

5. Execute Plan

A strategy will only achieve success if it’s actioned fully. Having all the best ideas in the world is useless if they’re not implemented.

6. Monitor Performance

How will you know if what you set out to accomplish has worked? Setting tools to track progress and making any adjustments is essential.

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About the founder

An innovative, commercially-minded SME business leader & consultant, Marcus has 20 years’ experience specialising in turn arounds and growth hacking across multiple markets, including 15 years in Asia.


Entrepreneurism is something he’s done since grade school, when he had a side business selling stationary, through to his present involvement in numerous ventures. His experience spams a range of industries, most notably information provision, education, travel, e-commerce, and technology.


Trained to understand value, growth and market dynamics, Marcus adds analytical and commercial thinking to his extensive industry knowledge. He looks for opportunities for “disruption” around principles and value and process, incorporating technology as appropriate.

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